Information alert

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This leaflet has been written by the Huntington’s team at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. It is intended for patients (and their families or carers) who are under the care of the team at this hospital. 

What is a Telephone Clinic?

Telephone Clinics are outpatient appointments conducted via the telephone.

The Telephone Clinic is run by the Huntington’s disease Clinical Nurse Specialist. The Telephone Clinic is available every week. This means you will not have to wait for your next Clinic appointment at the NHNN should you have any questions or concerns.

The Telephone Clinic can be used by patients, their families or carers, or a health or social care professional.

Telephone Clinics can provide:

  • Specialist advice without patients having to attend hospital; 
  • Dedicated time to discuss the implications, management and care of those affected by Huntington’s disease; 
  • Advice and support on social issues.

How does the clinic work?

If you are a patient or family member or carer for a patient, under the care of the Huntington’s disease team, please contact us on 020 7679 9549 or 0207 679 9574 and an appointment will be booked for you in the next telephone clinic.  

Clinic hours are: 

10:30am to 13.00pm – Monday to Thursday  

Outside Telephone Clinic times you can email or leave a message with your name and contact number, the patient’s name, date of birth and hospital number (if known). 

We endeavour to check the messages at least once a day during office hours. We will ring you back with the time and date of the appointment.  

The Clinical Nurse Specialist will call you at the time of your appointment. If they cannot reach you at this time, they will try once more 15 minutes later. 

If your call is urgent and cannot wait until the next Telephone Clinic, please contact your GP or local Accident and Emergency Department in the first instance. 

Useful contact details:

HD Clinical Nurse Specialist
      020 7679 9549        

HD team secretary
      020 7679 9574 


Huntington’s disease Clinic
Box 104 
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery 
Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG 
Direct line:  020 7679 9549
Switchboard: 0845 155 5000 
                       0203 456 7890

Other useful contact details:

A PAL (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) provides a personal contact point to assist patients, relatives and carers. You can contact the PALS team on 020 3448 3237 or

Hospital Transport is available for patients who qualify - contact Transport Department for an assessment on 0203 456 7010. 

NHS Choices provides information about NHS services. You can also leave feedback about your experience at

How to find us

NHNN map.png