Information for GPs and referring healthcare professionals

All patients will undergo an ultrasound scan, which will be performed by a sonographer.

No other diagnostic procedures or blood tests will be offered.

This service is designed for low risk women with the following symptoms:

  • Heavy, irregular or painful periods
  • Intermenstrual bleeding
  • Irregular bleeding in women using hormonal contraception
  • Chronic pelvic pain of mild to moderate intensity
  • Suspected fibroids
  • Suspected polycystic ovary syndrome and fertility issues
  • IUCD localisation.

Please refer directly to the Gynaecology Diagnostic Unit at Lower Ground Floor, EGA Wing, UCLH using the following form:

Women with the following problems should be referred to the General Gynaecology Clinic.

  • general gynaecology problems that require both diagnostic assessment and a consultant review
  • irregular bleeding on HRT
  • large pelvic tumours, severe chronic pelvic pain, suspected endometriosis or other complex problems who require both ultrasound and management
  • Women presenting with postmenopausal bleeding or suspected ovarian cancer should be referred to the rapid access clinic under two week rule suspected ovarian cancer.

Please Note:
The patient will be issued with an ultrasound report and asked to return to their GP to discuss the results. If further discussion is required with a Consultant the report will be faxed directly to the medical centre as soon as possible.

Service management


Gynaecology Diagnostic and Treatment Unit

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing

Clinic 3,

Lower Ground floor

235 Euston Road

London, NW1 2BU

Your GP has referred you for a transvaginal ultrasound scan.

This is an internal examination, which usually causes no or minimal discomfort and is much easier to tolerate than a smear test. Transvaginal scans provide very clear images of the pelvic organs, which enable accurate diagnosis of many gynaecological abnormalities.

Vaginal bleeding does not affect the quality of scan. The scan is also safe to perform in early pregnancy. However, vaginal scans are not performed on young children or on women who have not had sexual intercourse. In these circumstances a transabdominal scan is more appropriate.

Transabdominal scans have to be performed with a full bladder and it is necessary for patients to drink approximately a litre to a litre and a half of water an hour before your appointment time.

The sonographer will briefly discuss with you the reasons for the scan, discussing both your past gynaecological and medical history which helps to plan the examination better and to improve the quality of diagnosis.

If having a transvaginal scan you will empty your bladder. A healthcare assistant will be present in the room during the examination and help prepare for and after the examination.

You will be covered with a drape and when you are settled on the examination bed, the sonographer will insert the tip of the ultrasound probe into the vagina. This probe is thoroughly cleaned prior to the examination with disinfectants, which remove even the most resistant bacteria and viruses such as MRSA and HIV. The probe is then covered with a fresh latex (or non-latex cover if you have an allergy) probe cover and sterile K-Y jelly.

Once the scan is complete you will have a chance to ask questions and discuss what will happen next. You will be given a report for you to take back to your Gp at your convenience.