The diagnostic haematology clinics are designed to allow GPs and other clinicians to refer patients for investigation of a potential haematological disorder (not bleeding and thrombosis, which is seen in a separate clinic). This includes abnormalities in their full blood count or for a suspected haematological cancer, where we aim to see referrals within two weeks. 

We perform comprehensive blood testing, including blood film examination, immunophenotyping and molecular testing. Bone marrow and lymph node biopsy can be rapidly arranged and relevant diagnostic imaging (ultrasound, CT, PET-CT and MRI) booked.

Other contact information

For out-of-hours urgent medical advice related to the haematological disorder under investigation, patients may call the haematology urgent advice number on: 07852 220 900.


Diagnostic Haematology
University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre
Huntley Street

Outpatient Clinics – 4th Floor
Haematology day care – 4th floor
Blood tests/phlebotomy – lower ground floor

GP contact

Other referral information

Refer patients younger than 18 years old to the paediatric haematology clinic. Refer patients with a confirmed diagnosis directly to the relevant clinics. 

Send queries through Consultant Connect (enhanced Advice & Guidance). 

Please follow the pan-London 2-week wait referral guideline when referring cases under the two-week wait rule. Further information on 2-week wait can be found at Cancer urgent referrals (2ww).

For lymphadenopathy the haematology team at UCLH has set up a new Straight-to-test pathway, which aims to provide quick assessment, diagnosis and treatment for patients with an enlarged lymph node.

Referral address

University College London NHS Foundation Trust
Diagnostic Haematology 
3rd floor west wing
Cancer Services
250 Euston Road
London NW1 2PG

  • anaemia
  • polycythaemia
  • neutropenia
  • lymphocytosis
  • thrombocytopenia
  • (new) persistent thrombocytosis
  • suspected haematological cancers.

Patients diagnosed with a haematological malignancy are supported by a clinical nurse specialist and transferred internally to a specialist clinic. There is also a Macmillan Advice Centre within the outpatient building which provides support and advice to patients and relatives on cancer-related conditions.

Patient after-care is dependent on nature of the condition. Some patients will be discharged with an opinion and may be suitable to be managed in the community by their GP. Some will require ongoing hospital visits, and in this case are generally moved to a specialist haematology clinic.