The Virology Department provides a comprehensive consultant-led diagnostic and reference service to UCLH, the local primary care trust and to GPs, other NHS trusts and Public Health England.
The laboratory is open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm: samples cannot be received outside these times unless by prior arrangement. Advice on the diagnosis, treatment and management of viral infections is available at all times by the consultant-led on-call service.
Clinical Microbiology and Virology
UCLH NHS Foundation Trust
5th Floor Central
250 Euston Road
GP contact
The department has a special interest in sexually transmitted viral infections and viral infections in relation to hepatitis, bone marrow transplants and HIV-related viral resistance. The development and application of molecular methods for the screening, diagnosis and monitoring of viral infections is an area of particular expertise.
The laboratory is now accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). The laboratory participates in two external quality assessment schemes: the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Microbiology and the Quality Control for Molecular Diagnostics.