Neuro-rehabilitation multidisciplinary team

Neuro-rehabilitation has a multidisciplinary team approach to patient care. The MDT team has expertise in neuro-rehabilitation and work together to develop plans to meet individual patient's needs.

The team works in many areas of the hospital, including the NRU, and comprises:

Consultant neurologists

Consultant neurologists manage overall patient progress during a patient's stay and co-ordinate treatment plans.

Nursing team

The nursing team provides 24 hour support and encouragement to patients in order to help patients achieve as independent of a lifestyle as possible. Working closely with other team members, the nursing team helps patients to continue rehabilitation programmes beyond therapy sessions. 

Nurses are also available to discuss any problems patients may have with bladder and bowel difficulties and can make referrals to the hospital continence advisor and urologist if this is required.


Physiotherapists will address difficulties with body movement and help patients achieve the greatest level of physical activity after leaving the unit.

Occupational therapy

Neurological conditions may mean that some patients may have problems with practicalities of daily life such as dressing, doing household chores or cooking meals.  Occupational therapists work with patients to identify areas of difficulty and devise a treatment programme to overcome these problems.

Speech and language therapy

Speech and language therapy assess and treat people with communication and / or swallowing disorders. They help patients in finding better ways of communication or retraining the muscles used to speak and swallow.


Dieticians will advise on diets and special foods to help patients achieve optimum nutrition.  They will also work closely with the speech and language therapists to help people with swallowing problems.


Our psychologists help patients who have difficulties with memory, concentration or thought processing skills.

Social worker

Social workers provide help and advice regarding housing, employment, finances and benefits. They also allow for patients to express and explore thoughts and feelings about their disabilities.