The UCLH Department of Rheumatology is a UK centre of excellence for clinical care, training and research.
The Centre for Rheumatology at UCLH is staffed by 15 consultants, clinical nurse specialists and one physiotherapy extended scope practitioner.

We have a large (over 30) and highly respected academic group led by Professor Isenberg. He runs a lupus clinic and clinicians from dermatology/renal/respiratory/haematology/metabolic medicine attend this clinic, as well as nurse specialists.

We provide a specialist service for both adult and adolescent patients with any rheumatological disease and we have close links with Great Ormond Street Hospital’s paediatric rheumatology service.

Service management

Other contact information

General Rheumatology Queries
Tel: 07966 770 705, 07966 770 670, 07966 770 65807970 522 952

Adolescent Rheumatology Queries
Tel: 07966 770 702



University College Hospital

3rd floor central

250 Euston Road

London, NW1 2PG

Other referral information

General Referral Queries
Tel: 07966 770 670, 07966 770 702

Rapid access and one-stop clinics

Early arthritis clinic – Dr Maria Leandro, Professor Ehrenstein, Dr Jessica Manson. One-stop carpal tunnel service – Dr Morris.

Access to patient results

We will always endeavour to inform GPs of the results of diagnostic tests.

Tertiary referrals

The Hypermobility Service is closed to referrals outside NCL.

NHS e-Referral Service (formerly Choose and Book referrals)

UCLH service name Choose and book specialty Clinic type
Adolescent  rheumatology Children's & Adolescent Services Other medical , Rheumatology
Adult chronic musculoskeletal pain     Rheumatology Musculoskeletal   
Adult general rheumatology Rheumatology Musculoskeletal   
Carpel tunnel clinic   Rheumatology Carpel Tunnel
Inflammatory arthritis acute
Rheumatology Inflammatory Arthritis
Lupus clinic Rheumatology Inflammatory Arthritis
Osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease Rheumatology Bone/Osteoporosis
Upper limb clinic Rheumatology Musculoskeletal   

Referral address

Rheumatology Service
UCH Referrals Centre
University College London Hospitals
Ground Floor North
250 Euston Road
London NW1 2PG

We are happy to receive all general rheumatological referrals and have specialist clinics in the following areas:

List of specialist rheumatology services:

  • Adolescent Rheumatology
  • Autoimmune rheumatic diseases
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Chronic pain
  • New Therapies for inflammatory arthritis
  • Obstetric-rheumatology
  • Osteoporosis & Metabolic bone
  • Rapid access for Early Inflammatory Arthritis
  • Rituximab for Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Upper Limb
  • Vasculitis 
  • Young adult rheumatology.

Please note: The Hypermobility Service is closed to referrals outside NCL.