At the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust, part of the London Sarcoma Service, our investigator teams have developed research ideas and proposals which are instrumental in improving rehabilitation and survivorship care after a sarcoma diagnosis. The team have been successful in obtaining funding from charities and other bodies to develop high quality research and innovation in this area.

Successfully secured a funding of £148,483.43 from the RNOH Charity.  This project will aim to characterise functional and QoL outcomes after major orthopaedic surgery in children. Expansion of Team: Band 6 Research Co-ordinator/Therapist.

Details of grant in link:

  • Chief Investigators: Mr Craig Gerrand (Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon), Dr Sherron Furtado (Senior Sarcoma Research Therapist) and Professor Deborah Eastwood (Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon)
  • Contact: .

Successful in securing funding of £67,406.from Skeletal Cancer Trust (SCT). This funding is to cover the strategic development of this rehabilitation, functional and QoL outcomes research and innovation projects within the RNOH. Most projects listed on this website on the topics of the Rehabilitation, Functional and QoL outcomes have emerged from this programme of work, which has commenced since February 2019.

  • Chief Investigators: Mr Craig Gerrand (Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon) and Dr Sherron Furtado (Senior Sarcoma Research Therapist)
  • Contact: Dr Furtado is employed to lead on this research programme and is the point of contact:

Successful in securing funding of £350 from Research and Design Service (RDS)

for a national competitive NIHR Advanced Fellowship Funding Proposal on the topic of “How do Functional and Quality of Life Outcomes change Following Treatments for Musculoskeletal tumours within the First Year after Surgery? : A National Prospective Observational Study” which also feeds into the Programme of Sarcoma Survivorship and Rehabilitation Research and Innovation.

  • Chief Applicant/Investigator: Dr Sherron Furtado was successful in obtaining this funding and the lead PPI Facilitator to conduct national level PPI with patient and public contributors identified from the Bone Cancer Research Trust (BCRT), UK’s national Bone Cancer Charity, to develop the prestigious NIHR Advanced Application 
  • Contact: