The UCLH Ambulatory Care (AC) service delivers a range of treatments which have historically been administered within the inpatient setting. Eligible patients receive their care in the AC area situated within the Cancer Centre and, if well enough, reside in a local hotel with or without a companion, rather than in the hospital. If appropriate patients may be able to continue their treatment at home. If patients require hospital admission during their treatment, an in-patient bed will be requested by the AC nurses through the haematology bed management team.

The Ambulatory Care service currently provides treatment for patients, with the following cancers:

  • Lymphoma
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Leukaemia
  • Sarcoma
  • Urology

Patient contact

Service management

Other contact information

Patient enquiries
Telephone: 020 3447 8695

GP enquiries
Telephone: 020 3447 8695

Amy Colada, Sister; Preya Assi, Deputy Sister.


Adult ambulatory care cancer services
University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre
2nd floor,
Huntley Street
London, WC1E 6AG

Other referral information

This service is available to patients at UCLH through a tertiary referral. No GP referrals accepted.

Patient video - ambulatory cancer care at UCLH

All patients in ambulatory care have access to relevant clinical nurse specialist and support care services such as cancer complementary therapies and social welfare support.

There is also a Macmillan Information Centre within the Cancer Centre providing support and advice on cancer-related conditions to patients and relatives.

"When my wife and children visited me in the hotel, we would all have time to ourselves. We couldn't do that in hospital"