If you need advice and guidance on the management of an asylum-seeking or refugee person or family with complex health and wellbeing needs, the RESPOND multidisciplinary team (MDT) can help. This is a virtual forum, providing advice and support to health and allied professionals working with asylum-seekers and refugees of all ages, including lone adults, families and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, and in all boroughs.
The MDT is held monthly via MS Teams and is hosted by a core panel of professionals with expertise in migrant health, adult and child refugee mental health and safeguarding. Additional input is provided from key partners across the network including community health services, primary care, social care and third sector organisations.
To refer, please email uclh.
- confirmation that patient/guardian consent has been gained for MDT discussion
- patient details, including borough
- the specific question you would like to bring to the MDT
- for cases external to the North Central London sector, details of any additional external professionals to invite, such as representatives from social care, school nursing and health visiting.
- your name, organisation and role.