Our Council of Governors, is made up of 24 elected governors (5 public; 13 UCLH patients, including one carer of a patient; and 6 staff) and 9 appointed governors from partner organisations representing our key stakeholders. It is a valued and effective body advising the UCLH on issues that are important to patients and the wider community and works with the UCLH to ensure we provide the best possible service to its patients.
The Council of Governors is not responsible for the day-to-day running of UCLH but works with the Board of Directors to produce UCLH future plans; it ensures that the voice of members and partners are used to inform UCLH decisions. Its statutory responsibilities are described in the UCLH constitution.
In April 2022 the Council of Governors approved a new Membership Strategy. Over the next three years, we plan to make a fundamental step change in how we communicate with our members, building a more actively engaged membership and giving members a voice in shaping how the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust develops. The strategy outlines the measures we will put in place during 2022-2025 to achieve this vision.
- Objective 1: Explore and respond to the needs and expectations of our members to improve the quality of engagement and communication
- Objective 2: Continue to build an inclusive membership that reflects the cultural and ethnic diversity of the communities the Trust serves
- Objective 3: Work with other trusts to make sure that the membership structure works within the evolving North Central London Integrated Care System
We have developed this strategy based on national good practice and in line with statutory and regulatory requirements. The development of this strategy has been led by our Membership Steering Group and Council of Governors. Feedback is welcomed from members and the public.
Download the membership strategy 2022-2025
If you have any questions or feedback, or would like to join as a member, please get in touch: uclh.
There are a number of different ways to get involved. Here are some recent examples:
- Training – It’s important for staff to understand what it is like to be on the receiving end of care. Patients have told us their stories about their experience through video, which has then been included in leadership training for staff.
- Focus groups – Women who gave birth at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing were invited to discuss their experiences and identify areas for service improvement. These were then discussed with senior management who took action on the main themes that were identified.
- Quality improvement – Nurses worked with older adults to explore their experience of dignity in care using the creative arts. Participants were invited to make use of collage, movement/dance and sculpting with clay. The nurses and patients were able to learn and reflect together. One of the participants commented: “it’s a partnership, being given a voice and listened to, and people are prepared to learn”. There are always new and interesting opportunities to get involved.