Dr Junaid Bajwa became a non-executive director at UCLH in September 2018. He was born at UCLH and is a practising GP with experience of serving a deprived London community. He has been interested in the use of technology and data to improve patient outcomes for many years, and has worked with NHS England on projects involving AI and data analytics. In addition he also works for Microsoft Research as their Chief Medical Scientist. Junaid chairs the research and innovation committee and is a member of the workforce committee and the remuneration committee.

Declarations of interest:

  • Trustee, UCLH Charity

  • Shareholder and employee of Microsoft Research

  • Non-executive director, Whittington Health

  • GP and GP appraiser, NHS England

  • Shareholder, GP locum services and educational work, Essential Guides UK Limited

  • Non-executive director and chair of clinical risk committee, Medica

  • Non-executive director, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

  • Non-executive director, MedicaGroup Plc

  • Governor, Nuffield Health

  • Board member, Nahdi Medical Corporation

  • Trustee, Health Data Research UK (HDR UK)