Patient contact

Service management


Psychological Therapies Service
Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
60 Great Ormond Street 
London, WC1N 3HR

Other referral information

The psychological therapy services are not directly accessible to external referrals from GPs but only by internal referral from RLHIM physicians in services for chronic physical health problems.

Referral address

Psychological Therapies Service
Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
60 Great Ormond Street 
London, WC1N 3HR

Hypnosis is a psychological technique used in medicine and psychology as a tool to help bring about positive changes to both the mind and the body.

The hypnotic process is produced either by oneself (self-hypnosis) or by responding to practitioner’s instructions. It is often accompanied by a sense of being relaxed, with an increasing focus inward.

In the first session, a hypnosis practitioner carries out an assessment. Following sessions may be conducted on an individual basis if appropriate, and can range up to 8 weekly sessions.

Over the course of the therapy sessions clients are taught self-hypnosis to manage their condition. At the end of the sessions, a letter is written to the referring healthcare practitioner/GP informing them of the progress made during the course of the therapy.

If you are unable to attend your assessment appointment, please let us know at least 48 hours beforehand so we can offer it to someone else.

If you have to cancel or change the booked therapy sessions, then please give as much notice as you can so we can offer the sessions to someone else before the start date.

If you miss more than two hypnosis appointments without letting us know in advance or good reason, you will be discharged from psychological services at RLHIM and back to your GP/referrer, in line with UCLH discharge policy.

Majority of clients are to be referred internally to psychological therapies by their RLHIM medical physician or from the UCLH IBS/Gut Team. Please speak to your physician if you would like to be referred.

We can accept a small number of external referrals if appropriate for Hypnosis. If you require psychological support but are not receiving any medical care from RLHIM please speak to your GP about local psychological therapy services within your borough or a direct referral if appropriate to RLHIM hypnosis.

All clients within RLHIM would need to be deemed as low or moderate risk in order to ensure maximum engagement can occur with the therapy. Please let your practitioner know if there are any changes in your risk levels.

Please note we are not an emergency service and therefore if you feel you cannot keep yourself safe or your risk escalates to high/crisis levels, and you require urgent help, please contact your GP for an emergency appointment or attend your nearest A&E department.

You can also call the Samaritans Helpline on 116 123 or your local mental health support line within your borough for further support.

Service location