Labour Ward is primarily for women and babies who are classified as being at higher obstetric or fetal risk and who may require more specialist care and input from our midwives and obstetricians during the course of their labour and birth.
All our midwives specialise in promoting normality and active labour whilst having the skills to provide care for women who may be in a higher risk category and require closer monitoring. On Labour Ward you have several options to assist you through your labour from acupuncture, to mobile epidurals once your labour has established. Your midwife will discuss all your options with you.
You can choose to use birthing balls and be mobile during your labour. We have cordless monitoring to facilitate active labour whilst ensuring continuous electronic heart rate monitoring for your baby.
We also have one birthing pool in which the cordless monitor can also be used, providing mothers who may require closer monitoring during their labour with greater choice.
The midwife caring for you can also suggest a range of options and positions that you can adopt during your labour and birth. All our labour rooms offer complete privacy and have en suite toilet and shower facilities, all aiming to provide you with a positive birthing experience.

Labour Ward is located on the 2nd Floor of the Elizabeth Garratt Anderson (EGA) Wing.
- 13 labour / birthing rooms (includes 1 pool room)
- 2 obstetric theatres
- 4 bed Close Observation Bays (COB)