The nursing team

The nursing staff on each of our wards are qualified nurses with specialist haematology experience. 

Multidisciplinary team

Other people involved in the care of patients on the ward may include the pain control team (acute or chronic), the palliative care team, clinical psychologists, pharmacists, specialist nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, welfare rights advisor, counsellors and speech and language therapists. Some people may be reviewed by other specialist medical teams during their stay or as an outpatient, due to coexisting medical problems.


UCLH is a teaching hospital. Student doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other healthcare workers may be attached to the team at certain points. Whilst students should be encouraged and welcomed, patients are asked for their consent should the student come into contact with them. The patient has the right to refuse.

Complementary therapies

Members of the complementary therapy team regularly visit the wards and offer reflexology, reiki and aromatherapy massage. The therapists are available on weekdays. Treatments, (for which there is no charge), take place either at the bedside or in the treatment room on T13 north.