Our research
The role of research in the adolescent rheumatology clinic is to make sure the care we deliver to patients is the best possible, by using evidence-based practice.
Research is fully integrated into the adolescent rheumatology service, as many patients are given the opportunity to take part in various research projects; from questionnaires to clinical trials. We try our best to ensure that the research coincides with your hospital appointments so you do not have to attend hospital any more than necessary.
How you can get involved in research
You may be approached for research during an outpatient appointment; given information about a study and then given time to consider whether or not you would like to take part. Additionally, the Centre for Adolescent Rheumatology website has information on many of the studies open in the department. You are free to get in touch via the website or email below if you see a study you would be interested in taking part in.
There are a variety of research projects currently open in the department; these range from focus groups to questionnaires paired with blood samples to clinical trials of new drugs.
Whether you are asked to take part in the study may depend on what condition(s) you have.
We are always looking for young people to help us shape the service we offer and the research we do at the Centre for Adolescent Rheumatology Versus Arthritis. If you would like to take part in any of these activities, please email: centre.
We also advertise events and publish our newsletter on our Centre website.