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Please note we have now reached full capacity for 2024. Requests for Elective placements during 2025 are now being accepted.

The Hospital for Tropical Diseases welcomes international and UK medical students to our electives programme. This programme aims to enable visiting students to pursue an area of their own interest and gain experience of clinical tropical medicine/infectious diseases medicine in the UK healthcare system.

To be eligible to take up a place at HTD, applicants must have completed a minimum of 3 years of their medical degree programme. Electives are offered for a maximum of 4 weeks. Please note ID and Occupational Health clearance is required prior to placement and can take up to 4-6 weeks.

We are able to offer a mix of experience in the inpatient and outpatient setting across a range of tropical medicine and infectious diseases specialist services. There is also a rich program of educational activities throughout the week.

There is also a teaching programme for UCL undergraduate medical students during term time. You are welcome to attend any of these teaching activities. 

Dr Neil Stone, one of the HTD Consultants, is the coordinator for these activities.

For further information on the programme, please email uclh.htdelectives@nhs.net, to register your interest complete the form below. 

2. Date of birth Required
4. Home address Required
9. Current year of study Required