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As part of a general anaesthetic, we commonly administer drugs to relax your muscles. Then, before you wake up, we administer drugs to reverse this effect.

You have been given a ‘reversal drug’ today called Sugammadex. This drug has a unique interaction with the hormone progesterone. This is why you have been provided with this information leaflet.

Sugammadex temporarily increases your likelihood of becoming pregnant after unprotected sexual intercourse in certain situations. 

What should you do if you are using an ORAL hormonal contraceptive tablet/pill?

Types of oral hormonal contraceptive you may be using:

  • Progesterone only contraceptive ‘Mini Pill’.
  • Combined oral contraceptive ‘Pill’.

The effect of Sugammadex means that even if you took your pill this morning, it is the equivalent to one missed pill.

Advice: You must follow the missed pill advice in the package leaflet of the oral contraceptive.

What should you do if you are using any OTHER type of hormonal contraceptive?

Types of other hormonal contraceptive you may be using:

  • Contraceptive implant.
  • Hormonal Intra-Uterine System (IUS) (Mirena coil).
  • Depo-provera (injection).
  • Vaginal ring.
  • Skin patch.

Advice: You must use a barrier method of contraceptive e.g., condoms for the next 7 days.

What should you do if you are using any NON-hormonal contraceptive?

Types of non-hormonal contraceptive you may be using:

  • Condoms.
  • Cervical caps.
  • Diaphragm.
  • Contraceptive sponge.
  • Copper IUD.
  • Spermicide.

Advice: No further action is required. Sugammadex ONLY reduces the effectiveness of hormone based contraceptive methods. 

Frequently asked questions 

Will other drugs given to me as part of the anaesthetic affect my hormonal contraceptive?

This interaction is not known to occur with other anaesthetic-related drugs.

Where can I get more information?

For further contraceptive advice please contact your GP or local sexual health and contraceptive services.

UCLH cannot accept responsibility for information provided by other organisations.

Web references

Drug manufacturer (Merck):   

NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence):   

Contact details

Duty Anaesthetist: 07944 139 718 

UCLH Switchboard: 020 3456 7890
