Professional background

Zoe Harrington is a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry within the Departments of Prosthodontics and Endodontics at the Royal National ENT & Eastman Dental Hospitals. She obtained her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Bristol in 1993 and worked in general dental practice and house officer posts before completing an MSc in Conservative Dentistry in 2000. She went on to undertake further specialist training in Restorative Dentistry and was appointed as a Consultant in 2007.

Since then she has worked as a senior lecturer at Peninsula Dental School and has also been employed at King’s College Hospital and the Eastman.


Research interests

Restorative Dentistry



Ball M, Akintola D, Harrington Z, Djemal S.

Emergency dental care triage during the COVID-19 pandemic.

British Dental Journal 2021 September; 231.


Suvan J, Masi S, Harrington Z, Santini E, Raggi F, D’Auito F, Solini A.

Effect of treatment of periodontitis on incretin axis in obese and non-obese individuals: A cohort study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2020 Oct.


Suvan J, Harrington Z, Petrie A, Patel K, Darbar U, Donos N, D’Auito F.

Obesity as a predictive factor of periodontal therapy clinical outcomes: A cohort study.

Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2020 May; 47(5):594-601.


McIlwaine C, Strachan A, Harrington Z, Jerreat M, Belfield L, Sandor V, Foey A, Zaric S.

Comparative analysis of total salivary lipopolysaccharide chemical and biological properties with periodontal status.

Archives of Oral Biology 2020 Feb; 110:104633.


Strachan A, Harrington Z, McIlwaine C, Jerreat M, Belfield L, Kilar A, Jackson S, Foey A, Zaric S. Subgingival Lipid A profile and endotoxin activity in periodontal health and disease.

Clinical Oral Investigations 2019 Sep; 23(9):3527-3534.


Kalea AZ, Hoteit R, Suvan J, Lovering RC, Palmen J, Cooper JA, Khodiyar VK, Harrington Z, Humphries SE, D’Aiuto F.

Upregulation of Gingival Tissue miR-200b in Obese Periodontitis Subjects.

Journal of Dental Research 2015; 94 (3 Suppl): 59S-69S.