Professor Sarah Tabrizi elected to Royal Society for pioneering Huntington's research
16 May 2024
Publish date: 18 April 2023
Today we are launching the new UCLH strategy for 2023-2027. Developed with staff, patients and key partners, the strategy sets the future direction of UCLH over the next five years.
Our five-year strategy focuses on improving our services to patients, supporting and developing our staff, continuing our excellent work in research and education, and ensuring financial sustainability. It will be delivered by working closely with local, national, and global partners who, together, play a vital role in keeping people healthy.
To help us write the strategy, we spoke to many staff, patients and partners to help understand their views on the priorities that UCLH should focus on.
We heard how patient needs are changing, as is the way people want to be engaged with and cared for. We heard from staff about the challenges post-COVID, as well as the pride they feel about working for UCLH, alongside the desire for processes and staffing levels to be better.
We have used this feedback, alongside learning from our 2018 strategy and our current policies, to help develop our new five-year strategy. Our vision and values continue to underpin everything we do. The new strategy focuses on the following themes:
Click here to read the full strategy.
UCLH Chair, Baroness Julia Neuberger DBE, said: “The new UCLH strategy belongs to all of our staff, patients and partners. Underpinned by our vision and values, it sets out an exciting path for UCLH over the next five years. I am very proud to chair UCLH and believe that this strategy will help us all to focus on the things that matter to patients, staff and our partners.”
David Probert, UCLH chief executive, added, “We have all faced many challenges over the past few years, both in the NHS and wider society. Now is a good time to not only recognise these challenges, but also celebrate UCLH’s strengths and look to a future where we continue to deliver top-quality patient care, excellent education and world-class research.”
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