Page results
A new research study at UCLH and UCL will investigate how a rare type of blood cancer develops and what types of treatment may be effective for patients.
Patient information for patients suffering from long COVID who are trying to return to physical activity,
What does the staff experience team do? The Staff Experience team brings many amazing initiatives to our hardworking teams across UCLH. We’ve delivered the Be Well programme to support health…
A guide created by The Red Cell Network with expert patient insight from Elaine Tappin, Miriam Santos Freire and Nneka Smith.
The service is staffed by fully qualified doctors and health care professionals who also have additional training in complementary medicine. They work within a multidisciplinary team and…
The Eastman Hypodontia Clinic was founded in 1977 when it was recognised that this condition is best managed by a team of experts from different dental specialties.
This phlebotomy service is appointment based only (persons who are solely requiring a blood test), including GP patients (Camden & Islington)
Eleven MSF staff are now providing nursing and logistics support at the London COVID CARE Centre, in partnership with the UCLH Find & Treat team.
I didn't know my girlfriend's father, Richard Sainsbury, that long really, just a little over three years in fact. I knew him long enough to be deeply impressed and inspired by him though. He…
A blood transfusion involves taking blood from a donor and giving it to someone else. UCLH is one of the largest and most complex blood establishments in the UK.
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This is a sample paper and this is the description field which will help with the document search function at the top of this list.
FOI/2020/0115 - Innovative sample 360 software solution
FOI/2021/0368 - Smear test samples for the HPV virus
FOI/2023/0202 - Nitrous oxide/ Entonox personal sampling for staff
FOI/2023/0322 - Intraosseous blood samples