Page results
The Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma Team is one of the largest of its kind in Europe and one of the two main centres in the UK, treating patients with bone and soft tissue tumours of the limbs, shoulders…
Being given a diagnosis of cancer is devastating. To then face intensive and complex chemotherapy is where the real challenges for the patients, their family and friends begin. We provide expert…
Introduction – what is a colonoscopy? A colonoscopy is a procedure to look at the lining of your large bowel (colon). The procedure involves the insertion of a narrow and flexible telescopic camera,…
This service is provided for UCLH patients who are unable to attend hospital appointments by public transport or other means, due to their medical condition.
Introduction Fatigue is a common and invisible symptom that is not always obvious to others such as partners, family members, friends or colleagues. As a result others may not understand the…
A single dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine may boost protection against Covid-19 variants for those who have previously had the virus, according to a new study supported by the NIHR UCLH Biomedical Research Centre and UCLH Charity.
All semen analysis referrals should be made via the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS). We will no longer be able to book semen analysis appointments through direct requests from patients or GP surgeries via email.
What do you love about your role? I am a consultant allied health professional in Neuromuscular Diseases, a relatively new role in the AHP professions and the NHS. I am a physiotherapist and also a…
Information on managing high glucose levels using the ABC method (for multiple daily injections)
UCLH is the first site in the UK to open in a world-first trial for people living with progressive forms of multiple sclerosis.
File results
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FOI/2020/0115 - Innovative sample 360 software solution
FOI/2021/0368 - Smear test samples for the HPV virus
FOI/2023/0202 - Nitrous oxide/ Entonox personal sampling for staff
FOI/2023/0322 - Intraosseous blood samples