Page results
UCLH has a comprehensive lung cancer service and sees patients from across the UK.
The Neurometabolic unit provides a unique range of investigations and clinical laboratory advice encompassing mitochondrial, neurotransmitter, pterin and amino acid disorders.
In his darkest moments, coronavirus patient Ertan Nazim feared he wouldn’t live to celebrate his 44th wedding anniversary.
BBC News at the NHNN
UCLH will be part of a major UK research study looking at the long-term health impacts of COVID-19.
Sian's story After British mum Sian Wylie moved to New York and struggled to find a midwife for her second pregnancy, she wrote a blog post to find and thank the midwife who delivered her…
Your child may need an allergy tests. Most commonly this is a skin prick test. We can test against several common food, pollens, cat and dog hair etc. However, as we may not always have a skin…
Many people are terrified of wasps, but although painful, the sting usually gets better by itself in a few hours. However, for some, it can lead to deadly anaphylactic shock.Sean Hanrahan is one such person.
Know your back The bones of the spine and your neck are called vertebrae and they protect your spinal cord. Between each vertebra is a disk that acts like a ‘shock absorber’. This is…
File results
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This is a sample paper and this is the description field which will help with the document search function at the top of this list.
This is a sample paper and this is the description field which will help with the document search function at the top of this list.
FOI/2020/0115 - Innovative sample 360 software solution
FOI/2021/0368 - Smear test samples for the HPV virus
FOI/2023/0202 - Nitrous oxide/ Entonox personal sampling for staff
FOI/2023/0322 - Intraosseous blood samples