Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
Ref no FOI.2022.0569 Response FOI/2022/0569 - Diversity hires - diversity and inclusion roles Human resources 16/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0571 Response FOI/2022/0571 - Treatment for biologic medicines in Dermatology Pharmacy 16/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0572 Response FOI/2022/0572 - Treatments for Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Psoriasis Pharmacy 16/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0573 Response FOI/2022/0573 - Use of WhatsApp by or within the Trust Information technology 16/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0567 Response FOI/2022/0567 - Orthotic products and services Procurement 16/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0568 Response FOI/2022/0568 - Prosthetic services Trust services 16/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0570 Response FOI/2022/0570 - Trust spend on ageny and bank staff Finance 15/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0566 Response FOI/2022/0566 - Trust's Medical Device Trainer Trust services 15/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0558 Response FOI/2022/0558 - Specialist mesh removal services Trust services 14/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0559 Response FOI/2022/0559 - Proton Beam Therapy contract Procurement 14/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0560 Response FOI/2022/0560 - Medical workforce systems Trust planning 14/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0677 Response FOI/2022/0677 - Documents relating to the lift being out of order (RLHIM Lift 2 by reception) Estates and facilities 14/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0563 Response FOI/2022/0563 - Ambulatory cardiac monitoring Trust services 14/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0561 Response FOI/2022/0561 - Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Declarations of Conformity for all type IIR surgical masks provided as PPE to staff Procurement 14/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0564 Response FOI/2022/0564 - Mental health services Trust services 14/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0565 Response FOI/2022/0565 - IT services contract/ costs/ staff Procurement 14/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0557 Response FOI/2022/0557 - Patients treated with Visudyne (verteporfin) Pharmacy 13/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0580 Response FOI/2022/0580 - Number of occasions when there were no out-of-hours GPs on shift Trust services 13/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0555 Response FOI/2022/0555 - Senior staff contact details Human resources 12/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0553 Response FOI/2022/0553 - Patients tested for non-small cell lung cancer biomarkers Cancer 12/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0554 Response FOI/2022/0554 - Trust spend on insourcing and outsourcing across clinical services Finance 12/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0552 Response FOI/2022/0552 - UCLH transport contract Transport 09/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0551 Response FOI/2022/0551 - Procurement contact details Human resources 08/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0549 Response FOI/2022/0549 - SACT (systemic anti-cancer therapy) /cervical cancer treatments Cancer 07/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0550 Response FOI/2022/0550 - Patients that have been treated for glioblastoma brain cancer Cancer 07/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0546 Response FOI/2022/0546 - Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) or Acute myeloid leukaemia Cancer 06/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0547 Response FOI/2022/0547 - Teleradiology providers and pricing Procurement 06/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0548 Response FOI/2022/0548 - Biologic and biosimilar products within Rheumatology Pharmacy 06/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0544 Response FOI/2022/0544 - Wards/ departments that provide services to 0-17 year-olds Trust services 05/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0542 Response FOI/2022/0542 - Infection control audits from September 2020 to April 2021 Clinical governance 02/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0540 Response FOI/2022/0540 - Electronic patient record Information technology 01/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0539 Response FOI/2022/0539 - Pharmacological choices made for patients undergoing joint replacement surgery Pharmacy 01/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0545 Response FOI/2022/0545 - Criteria used in determining acceptance of GP referrals for osteoporosis treatment, and for priorisation of osteoporosis appointments Trust policy 01/09/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0534 Response FOI/2022/0534 - CRM ICD and CRTD CRM devices purchased Procurement 31/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0536 Response FOI/2022/0536 - Head of Procurement contact details Human resources 31/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0537 Response FOI/2022/0537 - Appointment of charity funded reiki/ healing practitioners Finance 31/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0533 Response FOI/2022/0533 - Pathology service carrying out PCR testing for SARS-CoV2 Trust services 30/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0530 Response FOI/2022/0530 - Neonatal sepsis guidance Maternity services 30/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0531 Response FOI/2022/0531 - Operating theatres in Trust Surgery 30/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0532 Response FOI/2022/0532 - Hard facilities management Estates and facilities 30/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0527 Response FOI/2022/0527 - Staff data in Communications department Human resources 26/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0528 Response FOI/2022/0528 - Interpreting and translation services (Silent Sounds tender) Procurement 26/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0524 Response FOI/2022/0524 - Endoscopy/ Gastroenterology external insourcing providers Procurement 25/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0525 Response FOI/2022/0525 - Prehabilitation services Trust services 25/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0526 Response FOI/2022/0526 - Wide-Area Networks (WAN) Procurement 25/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0515 Response FOI/2022/0515 - Senior staff contact details Human resources 24/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0516 Response FOI/2022/0516 - Number of orthopaedic consultants at Trust Human resources 24/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0519 Response FOI/2022/0519 - Melanoma treatments Pharmacy 24/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0520 Response FOI/2022/0520 - Contracted provision of endoscopy staff and facilities Procurement 24/08/2022
Ref no FOI.2022.0521 Response FOI/2022/0521 - Contracted provision of endoscopy specialised staff Procurement 24/08/2022