Page results
Our Emergency Department (ED) or Accident and Emergency (A&E) service provides ready access to high-quality nursing and doctor care to patients. The Children and Young People’s Emergency…
The Pathogen Genomic Unit offers access to explore the clinical applications and interpretation of pathogen genomic data for patients with a variety of infections.
As career changes go, John Acklam’s story has it all – he’s gone from a career in hospitality - organising catering events in high end venues for city slickers – to working in…
A very wide range of patients are seen in the epilepsy and neurology clinics – and advice given to you about how best to prepare for an appointment will vary according to your specific…
A pioneering breast cancer therapy developed by UCLH and UCL, which requires just one shot of radiotherapy rather than conventional weeks-long treatment, has proven to be as effective for most women in treating the disease.
If you see your GP with symptoms of NHL, they will ask about your health and carry out a simple physical examination. If necessary, your GP will refer you to hospital for further tests. In…
Hearing your story This is a very important step. Knowing the course of events of any problems and how they affect you really helps us know where to look next to make a diagnosis. A number of…
A range of specialist consultants may be involved in your care at UCLH. These may include neurosurgeons, neurologists, oncologists, neuroradiologists and other types of consultant. Neurosurgeons
If you have symptoms that could be a sign of oesophageal (gullet) cancer, see your GP as soon as possible. Your GP will ask about your symptoms, including what they are, when you get them, and…
Neurosurgery is a treatment option for some people with epilepsy.
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FOI/2020/0115 - Innovative sample 360 software solution
FOI/2021/0368 - Smear test samples for the HPV virus
FOI/2023/0202 - Nitrous oxide/ Entonox personal sampling for staff
FOI/2023/0322 - Intraosseous blood samples