Professor Sarah Tabrizi elected to Royal Society for pioneering Huntington's research
16 May 2024
Publish date: 03 October 2022
UCLH continues to achieve excellent results in the National Inpatient Survey. In 2021 patients rated their overall care as 8.5 out of 10 which is the top score amongst our London peers and the second best in the Shelford Group.
UCLH chief executive David Probert said: “This is a fantastic achievement, especially in a very challenging year. A huge thank you and well done to our staff who constantly strive to give the very best care possible. We are grateful to our patients who took the time to help us understand what we are doing well and where we can improve.”
A total of 432 people aged 16 or over who had spent at least one night in hospital during November 2021 completed the questionnaire, a 36.5 per cent response rate. Their answers were analysed by the Care Quality Commission and the results were published on the 29 September.
Questions focused on their overall experience at UCLH, from waiting times to being able to sleep, from keeping in contact with family to the discharge process.
We maintained the very good performance in last year’s survey on most questions. One area that we could improve on is giving clearer explanations about the reasons for patients being moved to another ward. This is something that we can work to improve on in the year ahead.
Patients who have at least one overnight stay in November will be invited to complete the 2022 inpatient survey early next year.
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