Professor Sarah Tabrizi elected to Royal Society for pioneering Huntington's research
16 May 2024
Publish date: 21 August 2023
The British Heart Foundation has appointed Professor Bryan Williams as its first Chief Scientific and Medical Officer.
He will be stepping down as UCLH Biomedical Research Centre director, director of research and our Board towards the end of the year when he takes up the new role.
He will continue as a UCL professor of medicine and honorary consultant physician at UCLH.
David Probert, chief executive said “I want to say a huge thank you to Bryan on behalf of our patients and staff. He has been a superb director of research for more than 9 years. Our strong partnership with UCL in research is key to the care we are able to offer at UCLH. As director of research Bryan has forged closer links with all our research partners. The next few months will give some time for us to identify a successor and support the transition into role of a new research director.”
Bryan Williams said “I feel so proud to have been part of this amazing leadership team and such an incredible institution. It was a privilege to lead the UCLH research response to the pandemic and to secure over £300m of NIHR BRC funding over the past 10 years for world-leading research at UCLH. I have no doubt UCLH is a much stronger research hospital now, than it was 10 years ago. I will be working with David and the research team to ensure a smooth transition for my successor.”
Professor Williams research and clinical practice is in the field of high blood pressure (hypertension) in which he is recognised as one of the world's leading authorities. He has served as BRC Director for two previous 5 year cycles and led the latest successful BRC bid in 2022. He was recently cited by Clarivate as one of the world’s most influential and highly cited clinical scientists. His research has directly influenced clinical practice in the NHS and globally, and throughout, he has continued to work for the NHS, recently completing 40 years as a font-line NHS doctor.
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